M O O N L I G H T   S O N A T A   D L G

                * Amiga Report Official Distribution Site *
                         * DAS ModPlayer Support *

                      2 Nodes *FREE PUBLIC* Amiga BBS
               MIDI-tunes, MIDI-utils, Modules, Amiga-files
                       Messages, Door-games, MUD...
                     Also patches for several synths!
                   (About 100MB of ProTracker Modules!)

              Node #1 - +358-18-161763 - ZyXEL V32b 19200
              Node #2 - +358-18-161862 - HST DS V32 14400
                           Fidonet: 2:221/112.0

                         Keyboards: Erno Tuomainen

                       Amiga3000 25MHz - 1.3Gigs HD
                      BBS Software: Dialog Pro BB/OS

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